Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Finally I am getting round to writing something!!! I still can't think of very much to say.
I find it interesting that so many people have so much to say about so many different things and I can't even think of a few lines to write.
Perhaps (hopefully) this will all become easier as the weeks go by.



Just waffle on about anything..have fun!!!!!!!!! It is very hard though isn't it..EG: My average day is to get up, go to work, do the house, wash the dishes. Not exactly riveting stuff !!!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

I've only talked about the web 2.0 stuff but others are posting comments about anything. Remember from our training today to Just have fun!

JP said...

Good to hear that others have similar problems coming up with things to say. I thought it was only me. Perhaps I should make a second life, with lots of exciting things happening. Wait that may take time and i seem to have little of it. (or perhaps i don't manage time well)